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Early Legal Advice for Parents

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Early legal advice for parents
£200 exc VAT

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This fixed price service is relevant for parents in need of legal and practical advice about the care or living arrangements for their children.

Who will benefit?

Separated parents with questions about how parental responsibility is exercised or with concerns about the behaviour or parenting style of their co-parent.

Parents looking for legal information and advice and a clear way forward.

Fixed price Early Legal Advice for Parents

Our fees: £200
VAT on our fees: £40
Total: £240

This fixed price service is designed to provide you with the advice of an experienced family lawyer to address the concerns you have about the care of your child or children. Some people chose to take no further actions having taken this advice. For others, it provides them with the confidence and reassurance they need to take independent actions, for others they choose to appoint Woolley & Co to represent them.

The fixed price Early Legal Advice for Parents product is not suitable for parents who have been advised or decided to make a court application, are involved in court hearings or want to appoint a lawyer immediately to represent them. Our Detailed Case Assessment will be more suitable in these circumstances.

Work included in the fixed price

  • Consideration of your completed parenting questionnaire
  • Discussion and consideration of your parenting concerns and priorities
  • Advice on the laws of England and Wales as they apply in your family situation
  • Information on the legal implications of the actions you may choose to take
  • Practical advice on how to resolve parenting concerns
  • Practical advice on communicating with the other parent
  • A detailed report summarising our advice, the legal position, practical actions you can take and potential next steps.


How it works

  1. Complete our parenting questionnaire providing details of your situation.
  2. Online or telephone early legal advice meeting booked with a lawyer at a time convenient to you.
  3. Parental advice report emailed within 48 hours of your meeting setting out in full the information, advice and guidance from your lawyer.

You will also be provided with referrals to relevant agencies and fact sheets to explain your options where appropriate.

The fixed price assumes you complete the parenting questionnaire to enable advice to be given and allows for discussion by telephone or email to gather information and answer your questions and concerns.

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Early legal advice for parents
£200 exc VAT

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