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Family Law Blog

Comment on divorce & family law

Celebrity divorce in the headlines – is it fair?

Celebrity divorce in the headlines

Jamie and Louise Redknapp may not be at the same level as a power couple as the Beckham’s, but for me they are close. My husband has been obsessed with Louise since her days with Eternal. When we first met he was considering having her band’s name painted on the…


Doing your own Divorce –  Can I go it alone?

Divorce can I go it alone?

This blog was written prior to the change in law in April 2022 which introduced no fault divorce. For advice on your personal circumstances take advantage of a free telephone appointment with one of our lawyers – book here. As a family lawyer one question I have been asked many…


Five things to consider when dissolving a civil partnership

Dissolving A Civil Partnership

This blog was written before a change in the law in April 2022 which makes the process of civil partnership dissolution easier (see No Fault Divorce for more details). Civil partnership dissolution is in many ways no different to the process of divorce, however, there are still some nuances. The…


Do Archers Justin and Lilian need a pre nup?

Prenuptial agreement

The question of whether Justin and Lilian need a prenuptial agreement is one on the minds of any Archers fan who also happens to be a divorce lawyer! I make no secret of the fact that I am a huge fan of the Radio 4 soap The Archers. Over the…


Creating a binding prenuptial agreement

How to create a binding prenuptial agreement

The number of enquiries Woolley & Co receive about prenuptial agreements has risen sharply in the last 12 months. Maybe the message is getting through that understanding the full legal implications of your marriage and putting in place measures in case things don’t work out is a sensible part of…


Equal family law rights for all couples

Marriage civil partnerships and cohabitation rights

With a new Government in place, albeit one preoccupied with Brexit and unforeseen tragic events, is now the time to put more emphasis on equality in family law? We have marriage and civil partnerships for same sex couples, but what about the rights of cohabiting couples, and the rights of…


Divorce law – reform needed

Can you get a better divorce outside the UK

Isn’t it about time the divorce laws of England and Wales came into line with Australia, Sweden and Japan, to allow for no fault divorce? The recent widely publicised family law case of Owens v Owens illustrates why this change is so needed. Mrs Owens sought a divorce on the…


Be aware of potential problems when travelling abroad with your children

Separated parents travelling abroad with children

In my many years as a family lawyer I have had many requests for help by a separated parent, to take a child abroad on holiday, or for a longer stay. Such requests can usually be resolved often by the simple expediency of providing all the necessary information to the…


Do you legally have to give back an engagement ring? UK Law

Engagement rings and the law

Recently I was asked what happens if an engagement breaks down and one party requests the return of the engagement ring. Now you might assume that it would be the property of the person who received the “gift”. This is not so straightforward though and consideration must be given as…


My relationship has broken down. What do I do now?

Actions to take when your relationship breaks down

The breakdown of a relationship or marriage is not easy for anyone to deal with. Emotions run high and confusion sometimes reigns. Before rushing to take action, it is important to remember you need time to come to terms with what is happening and you should not take major steps…


Why become a family lawyer?

What connects these four statements: To Kill A Mockingbird I wanted to help people on a whim LA Law? They are all responses from Woolley & Co family lawyers to the question: What made you want to work in the legal profession? Too often solicitors are vilified unfairly. Of course,…


The perils of social media and playing detective in family disputes

Family law disputes – the perils of social media and technology

As a family law solicitor, I often say that ‘nothing surprises me’. But with the advent of new technologies and the proliferation of social media I find myself amazed by some of the things I read about in Family Law case notes and some of the incidents experienced by my…


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