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Family Law Blog

Comment on divorce & family law

What is shared parenting? Shared parenting in UK law

What is shared parenting in family law

Shared parenting seems to be referred to regularly now in media reports about divorce and separation. In all cases that come before the Courts there will be a desire to do what is best for the child or children involved, which is often shared care of the child. But what…


Recognising the important role of dads

Recognising the important role that dads play

So often many amazing dads out there are far too humble about their qualities and abilities. We want to give dads – or at least one dad in particular – his time in the spotlight and give people the chance to say thanks for all the good dads out there….


Marriage and divorce in later life

Divorce and marriage later in life on the rise

As a family lawyer the work that you do changes with the times. The biggest change I’ve noticed in recent years is that I have seen a significant increase in divorce by more mature clients. A recent report in The Telegraph which talked about the rise in women over the age of 65 getting married to avoid spending a long retirement alone highlights how much…


High Court divorce case confirms all applicants are treated equally

High Court divorce case confirms all applicants are treated equally

Divorce itself is quite simple from a legal point of view. It’s not often that we have lengthy proceedings about whether our country has jurisdiction to deal with a divorce, particularly when both the husband and wife have lived and worked in England for over 20 years and raised their…


Why parents should not use their children as “weapons” in divorce

Our mantra at Woolley & Co – and among many responsible family law specialists – is to make your divorce as amicable as possible. We know this is easier said than done. Divorce is a horrible thing for any family and emotions will be running high. The divorce system in…


Titanic divorce battle might have been prevented by a prenup

Titanic divorce battle might have been prevented by a prenup

There does appear to have been a spate of high profile divorce battles in the news recently. The one that has really caught my eye this week is that involving Margie Hanley and estranged husband Michael, and their “titanic” struggle over a holiday home in rural Ireland. The Irish couple,…


News from Alaska highlights treatment of pets in divorce

Pets are treated as property in English divorce Courts

Some years ago, I was told about a case another family solicitor had been involved with. After lengthy court proceedings regarding a divorcing couple’s financial matters the parties had finally been able to resolve their differences and a consent order had been agreed at court. Thinking everything was resolved she…


Should anyone get a meal ticket for life when they divorce?

Graham and Maria Mills divorce case reinforces need for clean break

“The inequality in divorce law laid bare”. The recent case of Graham and Maria Mills, decided by the Court of Appeal, has sparked widespread outrage, as Mrs Mills’ maintenance, first set when the couple divorced 15 years ago, was increased by almost a third. The court decided that she should…


Unreasonable behaviour in divorce brought into question by recent case

Unreasonable behaviour in divorce

This blog was written prior to the change in divorce law in April 2022. With a flurry of divorce and family law cases recently leaving social media agog, none seems to have caught the attention of lawyers and the general public like the appeal made by a 66-year-old woman against…


Brexit is the last straw for some relationships

Brexit causing divorce say Relate

The start of a New Year historically sees an influx of new clients making contact with us family lawyers to start off the divorce process. One of the first steps for a lawyer is discuss and consider the reasons for the relationship breakdown so that the necessary paperwork can be…


The role of hope, expectation and ambition in divorce

As divorce lawyers, we deal with people at a tough time in their life. I’m always on the lookout for advice that will help make a divorce better for all parties involved and whilst listening to an interesting piece on the radio the other day I starting thinking about the…


Should there be more openness in family law cases?

Openness in family law cases – pros and cons

Comedian David Walliams and his ex-wife Lara Stone should be applauded for finally reaching a financial settlement after their divorce. Despite their separation being finalised a year ago, they continued to disagree on the settlement forcing the case into the courts and the spotlight of public scrutiny. However, this week,…


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