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Family Law Blog

Comment on divorce & family law

Conflict over different parenting styles

Parenting styles and parents rights

In the wake of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s split — which was reportedly fuelled by disagreement over differing parenting styles – I wonder to what extent this was a key factor in the breakdown of the relationship, or whether it is only now becoming a major issue as a…


Turing pardons and consent to end a marriage

Grounds for divorce focus on blame

In light of the recent so called Turing pardons I wonder whether the Government will look again at another arcane element of our legal system, divorce law? I read with delight that the Government has announced there shall be pardons, including posthumously, for conviction over consensual same-sex relationships before homosexuality…


Why you should take advice, for the sake of your children

Take advice for the sake of your children

When people are asked what matters to them, the majority say, again and again, their family, and their children most of all. And yet in the face of a failed marriage it is often that most precious child or children that pay the price of the parents feeling that the…


Could you divorce for ‘irreconcilable differences’ like Brad and Angelina?

The end of Brangelina

This blog was written prior to a change in divorce law in April 2022 which introduced no fault divorce in England and Wales. You would have to live on the moon to have missed the news that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have parted company, allegedly as a result of…


Married couples, divorce and the family home

Does it matter that the family home is not jointly owned?

When I take a call from someone who is separating or getting a divorce one of the first concerns they have is does it matter that the family home is not jointly owned? Women in particular, who may not have had much involvement in the marital finances, can feel quite…


What can we do to fill the Dad Gap?

Report calls for a Fatherhood Champion

A shocking report in 2014 revealed that a teenager sitting their GCSEs is more likely to own a smartphone than live with their father. The Fractured Families report, from the Centre for Social Justice (CSJ), also showed that a million children have no significant contact with their dads. The publication…


How could Brexit affect divorce in the UK?

Uncertainty around many things in Britain is still high after our historic vote to leave Europe. We blogged a couple of weeks ago about the language of Brexit borrowing heavily from divorce and what the architects of the change could learn from us family law specialists. For many people though,…


Will I lose my family home if we divorce?

I don't want to lose my home

As a family law solicitor for almost 30 years the most common question I am asked when I first speak to a client is “Will I lose my family home?” Clearly this is one of the most pressing concerns for people when it comes to separation and divorce and that…


Valuing your financial assets when you divorce

Valuation assets on divorce

Divorcing couples often find reaching a financial settlement the most challenging part of the divorce process. And sometimes this is because they really don’t know where to start. Well-meaning advice from friends, misconceptions from the media and personal beliefs of what is ‘right’ and ‘fair’ can get in the way…


Is there any such thing as a ‘good divorce’?

Good divorce - is there such a thing?

One without lawyers I hear you say. At first thought you may be right, but let’s have a look at that statement in closer detail. What is a good divorce and is one achievable? How can you dance with your ex at your daughter’s wedding and even be there together…


Why Cafcass has a vital role to play in divorce and separation

Vital role of Cafcass in divorce

Cafcass stands for Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service and its role in children proceedings is both to make sure children’s voices are heard and that decisions are taken in their best interests (which is not always the same thing – what a child says he or she…


Wyatt v Vince case conclusion confirms need for divorce clean break

Well, the case finally is settled. In court last week, we got a conclusion to the long-running Wyatt v Vince financial award case. You may remember that we blogged on this last year (Vince v Wyatt case shows consent orders are essential). And it is a perfect example of the…


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