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Family Law Blog

Comment on divorce & family law

Social media advice for separated couples

Social media and divorce

Social media is an established part of our world now and with live tweeting from Courts, the possibility of service of legal documents via Facebook message and pages and pages of screenshots being submitted in evidence, it is having a profound influence on family law legal proceedings. As a family…


Divorce in later life: what do you really need to know?

Divorce and older people

We blogged earlier in the year about the challenges for older people going through divorce and it sparked some healthy debate with colleagues about what is the key advice we need to give to the older generation. We know from the statistics that there is a rise in older couples…


12 common questions for divorce & family law solicitors

Questions divorce and family law solicitors are asked

For divorce solicitors the approach of Christmas heralds a number of challenges and concerns. There’s the increase in calls from distressed parents unable to reach agreement about whether their children will spend Christmas Eve with them or their ex-partner. Then there’s the rush to complete and submit paperwork to the…


Reaching agreement to see your children when you separate

The law encourages co-parenting

As a family lawyer I am often contacted by distressed parents who are unable to reach an agreement with their former partner as to the arrangements for their children. Clients often feel they have lost the ability to be an equal parent because they are no longer living in the…


How not to represent yourself in a divorce case

Litigants in person in divorce

Whilst it’s not surprising that emotions can run high in divorce proceedings (we wouldn’t be human if we didn’t get upset about the breakdown of our marriage) there is a limit to what behaviour is acceptable. A recent case in the High Court (Veluppillai v Veluppillai) has highlighted the best…


What does a divorce court look like?

From TV programmes and films to the chat down the pub, mention divorce and ‘going to court’ is so often mentioned. Although many cases don’t end up in court I understand there is still a lot of confusion. It occurred to me that many people might not actually know what…


Change of name on divorce

Marriage, civil partnerships or divorce could result in a change of name for one or in some cases both parties. This page provides a useful checklist of who to contact.After changing your name you will need to tell everyone who needs to contact you, provides services to you, or has…


Pension changes provide greater flexibility for divorcing couples

Piggy bank - new pension rules

As a divorce and family lawyer whenever a new client approaches me for advice on reaching a divorce settlement with their ex I find myself reminding them what a valuable asset a pension is. A pension is often the second most valuable asset anyone will ever hold (next to their…


Why same sex couples need a pre-nup

Pre nuptial agreements for same sex couples

I came across some interesting figures this week. The average age at which women marry is 37.0 years, according to ONS, slightly lower than the male mean age of 38.6 years. Seem high? Well maybe not if I tell you that these figures relate to same-sex marriage. For hetero-sexual couples, the…


Tips on completing a Form E financial disclosure document

Completing a Form E

A Form E is the compulsory document you are required to fill out if you are making a formal application to the court to sort out financial arrangements during a divorce. Whilst the form is daunting at first glance, most people are able to tackle it. I always suggest that…


Honesty is the best policy in divorce

Divorce finances honesty best

The recent case of Joy v Joy – Morancho and others reminds us once again that a full, frank and honest disclosure of your financial circumstances must be provided to one another and to the court before financial claims can be either negotiated upon or decided by the court. In…


Can Radio 4’s The Archers help more people spot the signs of domestic abuse?

BBC Archers storyline - Domestic Abuse and Coercive Control

For the regular readers of our blog, you may recall I questioned in January (Family relationships in The Archers) whether the relationship between Rob and Helen in Radio 4’s The Archers was showing the hallmarks of domestic abuse, and specifically, of coercive control. The alarm bells in my head were,…


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