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Family Law Blog

Comment on divorce & family law

Honesty is the best policy in divorce

Divorce finances honesty best

The recent case of Joy v Joy – Morancho and others reminds us once again that a full, frank and honest disclosure of your financial circumstances must be provided to one another and to the court before financial claims can be either negotiated upon or decided by the court. In…


Can Radio 4’s The Archers help more people spot the signs of domestic abuse?

BBC Archers storyline - Domestic Abuse and Coercive Control

For the regular readers of our blog, you may recall I questioned in January (Family relationships in The Archers) whether the relationship between Rob and Helen in Radio 4’s The Archers was showing the hallmarks of domestic abuse, and specifically, of coercive control. The alarm bells in my head were,…


Why can’t we co-parent?

Co-parenting after divorce

Co-parenting seems to be one of those latest buzz word that is pretty irrelevant to most couples – until that is they separate or divorce. Once a family is divided, by the fact that the two parents live apart, co-parenting takes on a whole new dimension and create so many…


Divorce, intestacy rules and the need for a financial agreement

Divorce, intestacy and need for a financial agreement

Getting divorced quickly is often seen as a plus, but not if you fail to sort out the finances as this case study shows. As family law solicitors we deal with people is some very upsetting stages of their life. Divorce itself can be very difficult for many, from an…


The challenges of divorce for older people

Divorce and the older person

The most recent ONS data on marriage and divorce revealed a fact as divorce lawyers we are all too aware of – divorce is on the up, and the increase is being driven by a rise in divorce amongst older people. Whilst the increase in overall divorce rates might be…


Two very real dangers of a DIY divorce

DIY divorce dangers

There appears to be more and more people dealing with their own divorce without first seeking advice from a family lawyer. A 2013 YouGov survey showed that 26% of people involved in divorce had taken the DIY route, with younger people and those in London far more likely to take…


Missing mum custody case caused Twitter furore

Missing mum custody case

The ‘Missing Mum’ case involving Rebecca Minnock who fled with her 3 year old  son in anticipation of a Court decision that the little boy should live not with her but with his father has attracted some lurid headlines and furore on social media in the past week. Quite separate…


What does Wyatt v Vince mean for the man on the street?

Clean break in divorce

On 11th May 2015 The Supreme Court allowed the latest appeal in the case of Wyatt v Vince. The case hit the headlines as it allows the wife to make a financial claim against her, now wealthy husband, 18 years after they divorced. “So what?” I hear you say. What…


Telling the children you plan to divorce

Telling the children you plan to divorce

Making the decision to divorce can be difficult, for those with children it is often even more so. You need to consider how you will tell the children, how they will react and how you can minimise the impact upon them. As family law solicitors we see the consequences of…


Family law solicitor charging rates and fixed prices

Fixed prices for divorce

The cost of divorce is often in the news, with scare stories of divorce costing tens of thousands of pounds and having a knock on effect on personal finances many years into the future. So it’s understandable that if you talk to a family law solicitor you want to understand…


Divorce makes financial settlement binding

Divorce financial settlement

As a divorce solicitor I speak daily to people who have already or are about to separate. For the vast majority their anxieties rest around their financial position. They want to get everything sorted financially and the last thing they want to discuss or even think about is taking what…


Parents and ‘shared care’ – what does it really mean?

Shared care of children

Parents who separate are always concerned about the care and welfare of their children. Recent changes means the family courts now put a focus on ‘shared care’, but what does that really mean? I receive lots of calls from parents who have recently separated and want to know more about…


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