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Family Law Blog

Comment on divorce & family law

Parenting when shared care = pounds and pence

A parent paying maintenance towards the care of their child will often approach our lawyers for advice when they are being denied a relationship, asking do they have to continue to pay. A recent case illustrates how complicated this area of law is. The case of EA v SSWP and…


How to tell your teenager you are separating

Telling your teenage child that you plan to divorce or separate is difficult. Their reaction is unpredictable, but you can control how and what you tell them. Some time ago one of our lawyers, Luci Larkin wrote a blog post containing 7 tips for telling your children you plan to…


How can a sex and relationship therapist help you before, during or after a divorce?

This is a guest post by Sue Newsome, Sex and Relationship Therapist ( As an independent sex and relationship therapist, I provide support to individuals and couples who have questions, concerns or struggles with any aspect of their relationship or sex life. For this blog, I am going to assume…


Stratford family law firm embraces pilot scheme to streamline divorce and family law cases

A Stratford law firm is helping speed up and simplify family law cases for its clients by playing a leading role in a new pilot scheme for the Ministry of Justice. Woolley & Co was one of only a handful of family law firms to initially sign up to help…


Guidelines for divorcing couples – avoiding the family courts

Avoiding the family courts

There was an important message which came from two different divorce cases in the news recently – do everything you possibly can to agree on arrangements for your divorce finances without involving the courts. In the cases in questions the judges decided that the family hearings could not be held…


Divorce and business – will you have to sell the golden goose?

Divorce and business

Businesses can be a tricky and complicated area when it comes to getting a divorce and agreeing a financial settlement. Regularly, we are approached by clients who ask how they can “get their hands on” their spouse’s business assets. Conversely, there are those concerned that their partner is seeking to…


Family law solicitors ARE committed to mediation despite what you might read

Mediation in action

I was interested to read the recent article in The Times (Lawyers should stop treating mediation as a tickbox exercise) claiming divorce lawyers should stop treating mediation as a tick box exercise. In my opinion, we don’t, never have and never will. Helping people through a divorce should be a…


5 things you should know about the 5 stages of grief when separating

divorcing woman grieving

When faced with a crisis such as a divorce or separation, many people suffer loss and grief and struggle to cope. They may refuse to talk about the difficult issues that need to be sorted out. They may be in complete denial about the realities of their situation. It may…


“Pragmatic reasons for supporting a good compromise” in divorce

couple discussing divorce

There is no escaping news coverage of Brexit. I’ve tried. It’s on your phone, on your internet searches, on Facebook – and a likely topic of conversation at some point whoever you speak to. It has blanket coverage. So, my challenge is this: is there any way we can make…


The Legal Process – a young person’s perspective when parents separate or divorce

teenager upset by divorce

If your parents are about to divorce or separate you may have questions about what might happen and be worried about things you see on TV or that friends tell you. This article has been written to provide the facts. To get a divorce one parent has to start the…


How to tell your parents you’re getting a divorce

Lots of time is devoted to discussing the best ways to tell your children you are getting a divorce, but how do you tell your own parents? When we talk about telling people about divorce, more often than not it is the children we have in mind – and rightly…


20 Family Mediators Share Their Top Tips for a Successful Mediation

mediation tiles

Mediation. It is something many people still know little about in the context of divorce. However, if it is approached in the right way, it can be a massive help for families in crisis. The bottom line is that a mediator can help a couple reach agreement on key issues…


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