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Family Law Blog

Comment on divorce & family law

6 Family Law YouTube channels to follow in 2018

Family Law YouTube Channels

There’s a wealth of great content across the web that can help you with all matters Family Law, and there’s no better place to go for it than YouTube. Whilst there are plenty of Family Law websites out there with handy guides and articles on related topics, nothing lets you…


Why do I need a family lawyer to get a divorce?

divorce lawyer sat at wooden table with pen and paperwork

You would think that the answer to this question is obvious, wouldn’t you? To advise on the divorce law of course, but it is not as simple as that. Whilst there is the obvious benefit of having proper legal advice before you divorce or separate there are many other reasons…


Child contact with non-resident parent – thinking practically

close up of parent holding hands with child and walking outside

Trying to reach an agreement about child contact with non-resident parents, especially when the situation may feel raw, can be difficult. However, the main focus has to be what is in the best interests of the child, rather than what you ideally want or what you feel you should be…


Is Skype really the answer to losing the children in divorce?

When families are split apart by divorce – or simply relationship breakdown for unmarried couples – there is no question that younger children suffer more than anyone else. No matter how hard it is on the grown-ups involved, the children’s world will never be the same. Everything they have known…


What are the consequences of a delayed divorce?

woman in delayed divorce sitting by the window looking unhappy

Making the decision to split from a spouse can be one of the hardest things that many people will do. Once they have made the decision and set the wheels in motions there is a seemingly endless list of “to dos” to get things sorted before they can move on…


Is it possible to divorce someone more than once?

marriage certificate and scissors for article can you divorce the same person more than once

How many times can you be divorced from the same person? As many times as you marry them is the honest answer. Just ask Liz Taylor and Richard Burton. But if you only marry a person once, you can only be divorced once? True or false? Well, in the case…


Arbitration in family law – a private judge to settle disputes about your children

children sat with parents by the river for the artcile Arbitration in family law – a private judge to settle disputes about your

I keep hearing that our court system is broken or on the verge of collapse. I have to say I am inclined to agree. Last year I went to court with a client about the arrangements for his children.  One of the issues was a holiday abroad in the school…


Technological change long overdue in family law cases

pile of court bundles for the article technological change long overdue in family law cases

As a family law solicitor, it never ceases to amaze me how wasteful the court system is, in more ways than one. Anyone who has attended a hearing at court as part of their family proceedings, will have an idea of just how much paper is generated for those few…


BBC Archers Storyline highlights the rights of unmarried fathers

Archers logo over fields for the article BBC Archers Storyline and Unmarried Fathers Rights

Archers fans may be reeling with the death of Nic Grundy, but there’s another issue that’s been exercising the minds of family lawyers in recent weeks. How are Pip Archer and Toby Fairbrother going to manage as parents? And how much of their legal responsibility they have yet come to…


Bitcoins and PayPal – New Ways of Hiding Assets in Divorce

bitcoins hidden in divorce stacked in front of computer

For divorce lawyers, encountering people trying to hide assets that form part of the matrimonial pot is nothing new. What is new is the in which parties may try and achieve this. In divorce proceedings the courts of England and Wales take a pretty robust approach and require that both…


Guidelines for separated parents to avoid harm to their children

children separated parents

A divorce or separation is often hardest on the children. Most separating parents are keen to make sure that their children are protected from harm. Unfortunately, not every parent realises the impact of their own actions on the well-being of their child. In this guest blog Soila Sindiyo of, Parenting…


Has same-sex marriage made civil partnerships obsolete?

are civil partnerships now obsolete

It’s been widely reported that the Government is to take a good look again at civil partnerships. Earlier this month saw the second reading of the Civil Partnerships, Marriages and Deaths (Registration Etc.) Bill in the Commons, which seeks to see how the Government can extend civil partnerships to opposite-sex…


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