The safety and wellbeing of your children in paramount
The starting point in law is that a child is entitled to have a relationship with both parents. This includes seeing them regularly and being involved in their upbringing. If you have serious concerns about the welfare of your children when they are in the care of your ex there may be steps that you can take to limit or manage the contact that they have in a way to ensure your child is kept safe at all times.
It should be explained that the Courts are not interested in your personal issues or objections. It is only natural for there to be difficult situations to overcome after a breakdown in the relationship with your ex, however these will not usually be considered good enough by the Courts to prevent or restrict a child’s relationship with their parents. Therefore, issues such as a new partner, different parenting styles or problems with timekeeping are not usually considered serious enough to stop contact. The Courts will only be interested in what is in the best interests of the child and the starting legal position is that contact should be taking place
A Child Arrangements Order will set out the measures for a child to have a relationship with both parents. If there are safeguarding concerns it may be that contact with the other parent is supervised or indirect.
For advice on the arrangements for your children on divorce or separation call Woolley & Co family law specialists on 0800 321 3832.